Emphasizing fun, good sportsmanship and fair play for all players at all times of play.
Being responsible for the conduct of the parents and other supporters of his/her team members during games and take reasonable action to secure their appropriate behavior in agreement with this Code of Ethics.
Enforcing a strict rule against bad language, abusiveness to other players or referees, and rules violations by the players, parents, spectators or other coaches.
Prohibiting any arguing with the referee and remove players, coaches and parents who do not abide by this rule.
Never using any physical means against spectators, players, officials or other coaches.
Avoiding any conduct unbecoming of a member of the EP Youth Soccer Association (EPYSA). Conduct unbecoming, means conduct, including conduct in a coach’s’ personal or private capacity, that tends to bring discredit upon EPYSA including, for example, committing a criminal act that reflects adversely on the coaches’ trustworthiness, taking improper advantage of the youth or their families, or engaging in conduct involving dishonesty or conduct which undermines EPYSA.
Assuring that their players are properly registered with EPYSA. No unregistered players may participate in games, practices or tournaments. Any coach playing unregistered players assumes all responsibility, both legal and personal, for that player and EPYSA will not be held accountable for injuries.
Assuring their players are the proper age for the game or tournament that they are participating in.
Avoiding “running up the score.”
Strictly abiding by the “half game play rule for recreational program” in EPYSA.
Encouraging shaking hands between teams at the game’s beginning and end.
Always checking the field after play to ensure no trash or equipment remains.